Bjorn Moller Research Repository
The Bjorn Moller Research Repository (BMRR) is a recently-launched repository for the storage of biological samples, clinical data, and demographic data. Samples and data are collected from individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders, as well as other individuals who do not have these disorders and who can serve as a control group. These samples and data will be collected and stored for the purpose of ethics-approved study at the University of British Columbia’s Pacific Parkinson’s Research Centre (PPRC).
The value in this collection will come from participants’ consent to the use of their biosamples and data in future studies, including reproducibility of trial results and possible analysis with future technologies. Efficiency of clinical research into Parkinson’s disease will increase significantly with the BMRR, as researchers need not wait for new recruitment and collection with each new study, as has been the case previously.
It is very easy to provide biosamples and data to the repository: participants will be required to visit UBC twice over 18 months for blood collection, while urine and fecal samples can be collected at home and brought to PPRC at UBC during the two visits or mailed in. Surveys can be completed online. Everything is fully confidential and all samples are de-identified to respect privacy.
To participate:
Contact for more information and to register as a research repository participant.
Schedule your in-person study visit at UBC (2-3 hours) with a BMRR staff member.
Collect fecal and urine samples at home 1-2 days prior to your in-person visit.
Bring your samples to your in-person visit, where you will complete the informed consent procedure, undergo a blood draw, and provide a basic medical history. All information collected will be de-identified to respect privacy and is optional.
Answer additional lifestyle questionnaires at home, provided to you via secure email link.
Come back for your follow-up biosample collection, 18 months after your initial visit.
For more information, please contact, or watch an overview of the BMRR, presented at a September 2024 information session, at this link (passcode: .P168DQF).